This option allows us to give easily--and in a way that is increasing common. Once "signed-in," you can schedule give in a variety of ways--whatever fits your need (one-time, weekly, monthly, every two weeks or even twice a month). Gives can be split between funds--again as a giver directs. (Yet, if one might choose to give a larger special gift or RMD, we would encourage the other forms of giving listed below.)
We will be receiving weekly offerings in our services. So if this tangible expression of faithful financial support is your preference, we certainly encourage you to respond to God's grace and provision in that way. Also, we have printed cards that are available in the back of the worship spaces for those who have given online to have something tangible to place in the offering plates.
While we always trust God, there are times we trust the United States Postal Service with our giving too. Rest assured, that our office team will be diligent to record, direct and reflect your giving with this way too. Our office address is 120 N. Ave. A, Canton, IL 61520.